Des changements pour les cartes sur le PTR de Warcraft III

JudgeHype | 26/08/2017 à 13h50 - 6

Blizzard a mis à jour le PTR Warcraft III en modifiant plusieurs éléments sur les cartes du jeu. L'objectif est d'équilibrer un peu les choses, en supprimant parfois un niveau d'altitude ou encore en ajoutant un lieu de passage ou un campement de créatures. Je vous laisse prendre connaissance de tout cela ci-dessous.

Les tests continuent et il se peut, bien évidemment, que d'autres changements soient opérés d'ici la sortie du patch. Rien n'est donc gravé dans le marbre pour l'instant, même si on se rapproche petit à petit de la version finale.

Vous pouvez télécharger le PTR en cliquant sur les liens ci-dessous:

Patch notes pour les cartes

(2)Terenas Stand LV
  • Added unpathable terrain to the eastern Mercenary camp, so that both sides of the map have relatively the same amount of unpathable terrain.
(2)Tirisfal Glades LV
  • Opened a path through the middle of the map.
  • Removed the +1 cliff level for each start location
  • Removed the -1 cliff level for the northern Murloc creep camp next the players start location, so that both the north and south camp are similar.
(2)The Two Rivers LV
  • Tightened the choke point around the northern expansion - similar to the southern position.
(2)Road to Stratholme LV
  • Swapped the Mercenary camps with the Goblin Laboratories.
(4V)1V1 Flood Plains LV
  • Added some flair to the creep camps – attempt to bring life to the those points of interest (POI’s).
(4)Bridge Too Near LV
  • Opened the center of the map.
  • Removed the Market place and Red creep camp; Added a Tavern in its place.
  • Added upbuildable terrain around the bridges to help prevent blocking the bridges with structures.
(8)Battle Ground LV
  • Removed the +1 cliff level from the expansion goldmine between Purple and Blue start location.
  • Adjusted all the expansion goldmines, so that there is more room to build Town Hall equivalent and defenses.
  • Red start location no longer has two expansion goldmines pointing its way. The expansion between Red and Pink start locations now points towards pinks location.
(8)Northshire LV
  • Tucked the Goblin Laboratory and Mercenary camp buildings and creep off the main path. Now easier to move around without engaging them.
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